8 handy tips while driving in rainy weather

 If possible, wait till the weather improves

Wait till the weather improves before driving if you are uncomfortable driving in the rain and can postpone your trip or commute. If driving in wet circumstances is not required, there is no reason to put yourself in danger.

Double Check Your Car’s Equipment

Before driving in wet weather, make sure your car’s equipment is in functioning order. Check your headlights, taillights, and windshield wipers to ensure they will function properly when needed. Check the tread on your car’s tyres as well. On rainy roads, balding tyres can drastically diminish traction.

Take it easy

When driving in wet weather, you should not only stick to the posted speed limit, but you should also go much slower than usual. Wet roads are quite hazardous. When it rains, your vehicle’s reaction time is substantially slower. In rainy conditions, slowing down is essential.

Activate your headlights

When driving in the rain, most jurisdictions mandate drivers to turn on their vehicle’s lights. Even if it’s just sprinkling outside, putting on your car’s headlights will improve your visibility and other drivers’ ability to see your vehicle on the road.

Make Use Of Your Wipers

While it may seem obvious, some people forget to switch on their windshield wipers while it’s raining lightly. The wiper speed on most cars can be adjusted to clean moisture from the windscreen in a light mist or severe rain. There are also various products on the market that claim to postpone the accumulation of rainwater when sprayed or rubbed against the glass.

Keep a Safe Distance Between Vehicles

Maintain a larger gap between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. When driving in the rain, stopping your car will be more challenging. Maintain a safe gap between your car and other vehicles of several car lengths.

Avoid Heavy Braking

Slow your vehicle down by taking your foot off the accelerator earlier than usual in anticipation of slowing or stopping. Avoid utilising cruise control so that your attention is focused on both the gas and brake pedals.

Keep your car well ventilated

Humidity levels rise when it rains. When driving in the rain, you may notice that your vehicle’s windows become misty. The ventilation systems in most automobiles have a feature that works to lessen the fog that forms on the inside of your windows and windshield. If you can’t see through your windows any longer, you may need to pull over.


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