Top 5 most frequently asked questions about tyres on the internet

 Is it truly necessary for me to inspect my tyres?

Tyre inspections should be performed on a regular basis to ensure vehicle safety and control. We recommend checking your tyres on a frequent basis rather than just once in a while. Because they are the sole portion of the vehicle in contact with the road, good tyres are essential for safe driving. However, because this contact patch is only around the size of a smartphone, you’ll need to make sure your tyres are in good shape. This is necessary for you to be able to brake swiftly and safely.

When checking my tyres, what should I look for?

When evaluating your tyres, the most important item to look for is tyre wear. Examine your tread depths and inspect your tyres for any visible damage. Tyre pressures are also crucial because they have a significant impact on tyre tread and damage. Tyres that aren’t properly inflated can wear out more quickly, making your vehicle less safe and reducing the life of your tyres. You can ensure that your car is as safe as possible on the road by checking these on a regular basis.

What is an appropriate tread depth?

The tread depths of your tyres are critical for maintaining vehicle grip on the road. It’s tough to control your vehicle if it doesn’t have enough grip on the road. Water is removed from the road by your treads (the grooves on your tyre). If your tyres have a decent tread depth, we recommend at least 3mm, they will perform better in wet weather.

What is the significance of tyre pressure?

Tyre pressures are crucial for guaranteeing the safety of your tyres. The recommended tyre pressure varies per vehicle and is also affected by whether the vehicle is loaded or unloaded. These are easily discovered on the inside of the driver’s door or within the fuel cap of your vehicle. In terms of safety and performance, having the proper tyre pressures is critical. A tyre will be inflated to the correct shape and will not be subjected to uneven wear if the pressure is set correctly. As a result, it’s critical to check your tyre pressures on a frequent basis.

How long will my tyres last?

The lifespan of your tyres is determined by a variety of factors. As a driver, you have no influence over some of these. However, you have control over the frequency with which you drive, your driving style, and the condition of your tyres. For example, if you only use your car for short journeys every now and again, your tyres will wear out more slowly than someone who drives a lot, especially at high speeds.

The manner you drive your vehicle will also affect tyre wear. Increased tyre stress will result in increased tyre wear. Your tyres will wear down more quickly if you repeatedly scuff them on kerbs or drive over potholes.

The tyre’s own construction plays a role in how rapidly it wears down. Despite the fact that most tyres appear to be the same, each tyre manufacturer employs different compounds in their goods, which affects how long the tyre lasts. However, all tyres will eventually wear out. Superior tyres, such as Michelin, endure longer than cheap alternatives because they are comprised of premium compounds that wear down more slowly.


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